Pastor Chester Hawkins is the son of the late Deacon and Mother Chester Hawkins Sr. of Oklahoma City, OK. He is one of nine children born of this union. Pastor Hawkins served as the organist of Greater Gospel Kingdom COGIC- where he was raised and trained in Oklahoma City. He attended Central State University (now UCO) and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master of Science in School Administration. With the Lord guiding his occupational endeavors, he taught in the Oklahoma City Public School system for 30 years.
To this day, he continues to work with at-risk children at the Del City Lighthouse Academy Child Development Center. At Lighthouse, he leads the congregation into worship with the Lighthouse Praise Team and delivers the Word of God on Sunday mornings.
Aside from being an educator and a shepherd, Pastor Hawkins is also the husband of First Lady Theolimpa Hawkins and the father of LaTraz Hawkins and Chester Hawkins III. His goal is to not only be a great man of God but also the best husband and father the Lord would have him to be. With his eye on the Lord and his heart with the Church, Pastor Hawkins strives to lead the Church to new heights and greater depths as the world presses on in Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ.